Sunday, May 20, 2007

review of scobleizer article

I ran into an interesting article on scobleizer recently. The article was titled "Gonzales proposes new crime: 'Attempted' copyright infringement". The Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is pressing Congress to enact a bill that will expand criminal penalties to people caught violating copyright laws. The most radical change he has proposed is to enact the Intellectual Property Protection Act. Under this act, even those who 'attempt' to committ piracy will be subject to criminal prosecution. Another effect of this act would be to allow more wire taps in piracy investigations, wire taps would be authorized in cases of copyright infringement investigations. The Act would also call for increased penalties for all current copyright infringement laws.

I think the piracy laws should be more focused on people that actually violate these laws, instead of going after people that have not even infringed on any copyright material. I can understand the increased penalties for violaters of the law. This just seems like the government is jumping ahead of itself. We will all just have to wait and see how this plays out in the future.

1 comment:

SteveHrtmann6 said...

I agree with you, the government should worry more about people who actually break the law rahter than trying to get people who thought about breaking the law.